Pregnancy Chiropractic at
Vital Family Chiropractic
Chiropractic care for pregnant clients is a natural and helpful way to help ease the aches and pains that can come with a body experiencing a major life change. As your muscles and joints begin to accommodate structural shifting and changes in your pregnancy, chiropractors Christine and Christopher and their team can help it adjust in a natural way.
How Is Chiropractic Beneficial for Pregnancy?
The chiropractors want to ensure that there is as much balance in the pelvis as possible, and that your ligaments are in their proper position, so the baby has an optimal amount of space. This encourages an optimal position when it comes to birth.
As your body grows to nurture and encompass the new life inside, there will be aches and pains. Chiropractic is a great way to naturally alleviate those symptoms.

What to Expect
Once you’ve discussed your health history, just like you would with a regular chiropractic appointment, the doctors will also ask how the pregnancy has gone up to this point for you. Your belly will be checked for symmetry, to understand how the baby is positioned in the womb, and any adjustments received are done with the greatest of care, gentleness, and ease.
The practice has special pillows to accommodate growing bellies and ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible. Treatment frequency depends on your individualised care plan.
Now Welcoming New Mums-to-Be
As one of the few providers of perinatal and pregnancy care in the Orpington area, we’re excited to help as many mums-to-be as possible experience the benefits of chiropractic. Call our office today to secure your first appointment and start your journey towards a healthier and happier pregnancy today!